It has been a long time since I updated this blog. Just as well. I meant to weed out the fickle readership that I had wrongly attracted through internet-driven self promotion, and I hope I have succeeded. If you are reading this, you are one of the truly devoted, which means you're either a saint of a fool. Only you can answer which. Now, some brief, scattered thoughts on fascism:
There is the question of Nazis. Who are they? Where do they come from? They have nothing to do with Germany or the Germans, of course. That psychology fucker that did that famous experiment decades ago proving how far people would go in torturing another human being proved that we are all, at heart, Nazis.
So how long until day traders leave the floor of the New York Stock Exchange to goosestep down Park Avenue to the Ride of the Valkyries? Only time will tell, but with the bullshit going on in business today, it seems like it doesn’t necessarily have to be far off. Thank the gods for Saint Obama. If it were Bush elected this year and not taking leave to suffer through the last days of his life in a state of post-presidential, Nixonian disgrace, things would look far different.
If Bush were today our incoming president, I’d probably buying commercial quantities of arm bands and just waiting for the propaganda ministry to issue the Fourth Reich’s official seal so I could produce and distribute them through my eBay store. What is the purpose of life if not to profit from the misery of others?