Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thank You, Corporations! If it weren't for you, I'd still be able to drink out of the river near my house.

There are a lot of blogs out there that deal with marketing, organizational behavior, and other subjects that are of great interest to sycophantic corporate social-climbers. I'm a bit of an expert on these people since I went to business school. I also wrote a 30-page manifesto on blogging and corporate culture, which will never be read by anyone for about the same reason that no one ever pours lye in their eyes: it's painful and senseless. At least it got me a C.

But back to these blogs. They are marvelous, aren't they? It's kind of like that game where a bunch of guys jerk off onto a cookie, and the last one to finish has to eat it. Except in this metaphor the semen is money and the semen-covered cookie is an anti-trust lawsuit. Or something. I think I lost myself. What is that game called again?

And I think this is the point in the blog where I should point out that some material may not be suitable for children or elderly people with conservative dispositions and/or pacemakers.

But yeah, more on corporations later. Now I'm gonna go see Dark Knight. RIP Heath Ledger, you sexy Aussie, you.

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